Saturday, 28 January 2012


25. 01.2012: Badr Al Sama Hopital is the kind of places where you go in perfectly normal and leave feeling sick!  Actually, it is not that bad..but, it is not the  place you want to hang out on a nice sunny  morning!  At the laboratory, we present our receipt of payment. This lady, or nurse or whatever one calls it,  gestures with her hand towards the waiting room.  And we wait.  10 minutes later, she summons Ingrid in to a small room where the blood-drawing takes place.  All done, she wants us back in 45 minutes.    

We just cannot wait there playing with our fingers. Hence, we decide to walk across the road…Coffee at the Radissons Blu.  Lovely weather, 21 degrees, the sun is shining and 2 café latte’s.  Heavenly!
My head is in a tizzy right now.  If Ingrid is pregnant, what are we having?  A girl? A boy? Or a tadpole!!! Excuse my mad thoughts.  I am currently reading, Matt Ridley's, Genome-An Autobiography of a species in 23 chaptersWhat timings.  Reading about Chromosomes and about each of them. The entire recipe of making a human baby.  I also read, that we are 92% similar to a rat. All that the rat has, we have.  Just a few changes here and there  in the recipe (8% of changes, is all it takes!) and it differentiates a rat and a human. Or for that matter anything else. A Chimpanzee, a Hyena or an Orangutan!

It is more than 45 minutes.  We walk back to the hospital.  I am trying to remain as calm as possible, whilst a whirlpool of madness is going on inside my head.  After waiting another 5 minutes, we get the sheet of paper.  Expecting to see a whole paragraph typed out there with strange details. None of that.

It simply says, Positive! Now my head plays on the game of relativity. Like the half-full and half-empty glass.   

But,  positive to what?  

If the question is, Is she pregnant?  Then positive would mean, she is!  But, what if the question is, Is she NOT pregnant?  If that be the case, then positive mean she is not! 

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