Saturday, 28 January 2012

Pretense of Calmness over Excitement

27th Jan 2012: Now that I know she is pregnant, that means she is going to have a baby.  I need to sit down.  Yes, we are going to have a baby. I am going to a father.  How mad is this.  What am I supposed to do?  Get pissed, or become an evangelist!  Now we need to find a doctor.  

I am told that Muscat Private  Hospital is the best.  Hence, I do a search, the first result reads something like,  'Omani couple successfully sue Muscat Private for negligence over tragic death of newborn'

How encouraging to read that story.  So now what?  Search again!

Ah...I hit Starcare UK.  They must be good, I think....It has UK at the end of its name.  So I check them out in the UK.  Apparently, they run hospice services in the UK.  Now, what on earth are they doing in Oman running hospital services?  I think i know where this is going.  I do not want a hospital that has experienced in the management of people who are terminal!!!  Next please...

I hit on a hospital that is known as Al-Raffah Hospital. Never heard of them before. The seems to have all facilities.  They even have a full time Obstetrician/Gynecologist.  Now this is what I call a hospital.  I call them.  Instantly answered,

'I want to make an appointment with the Obstetrician'  I tell her.

She say, 'With what?'  in absolute shock.

I repeat, but this time I say, gynecologist.  She goes, 'OK'.

With a lot of suspicion, 'Why do you want to see a gynecologist?'

'Obviously, for my wife', I retort.

She laughs, 'Yes of course'.

I like this place.  Appointment has been fixed for tomorrow, the 28th January 2012 at 9.40 am!

But....I still need to check this place out.  So we decide to drive past it this evening.  And we do.  It was one of those just-in-case actions on my part.  You know, it could be some backyard operations, where they salvage condemned vehicles, and run the hospital as a side business.  One has to be careful.  

It is a real hospital!

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