Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Doctor having a class re-union!

Today was supposedly the fixed date of our appointment at the hospital. At 9.45 AM.  However, last evening at around 5pm, we got this message.

'Dear Madam, Kindly note that your appointment with ‘ Dr.Hot-curry-on-her-lips’ on 16.05.2012 is cancelled as doctor needs to attend an emergency surgery.  Thanks. Starcare Hospital'

Well done on their part. That they informed us over 20 hours ahead of our appointed time, which allows us to re-schedule our day. Who knows, maybe we can now continue with our plans of going to the moon for a evening picnic.   

But, here is the problem: Informing us that an emergency has come up 20 hours before is like saying, ‘Tomorrow I will not come to work, as I am expected to have an accidents’.  I always thought emergency are unplanned, unexpected and takes one by surprise at that time. 

Still, Starcare and the doctor seem to have insight prior to an emergency. Must be an exceptionally developed intelligence that we do not seem to possess.  So much so, that I have even had to look into the Oxford dictionary to study the definition of emergency.  I am flummoxed. 

What are these people thinking?  And then they do have the audacity to cancel it.  It would have been all nice and proper, if they has said something to the effect like, ‘Please call us and reschedule an appointment’. Cancelled?  That is like saying, Well, we do not give a rats arse for you and your baby.  We are not one bit sorry about it nor are we particularly interested in having you back.

I smell a rat here. What I think is that the doctor, is having a class reunion tonight. It is going to be a night of Dosai’s, Biriyani, camels, Arrack and Bedouin strippers.  A raunchy Arabian nights event!   They are going to smash themselves till their tits get entangled.  And then the next day, they will be all hung-over and will not be able to make it. Hence, they already know that an emergency will arise.  And, it is not even the weekend here. Why can’t they have their re-union on a weekend? 

I feel their message should have been more politically correct and curtious.  Maybe I will suggest it to them. 

'Dear Madam, due to unforeseen circumstances, Dr.Bxxxx will not be able to keep her appoint with you at 9.45AM on the 16th of May 2012.  We would be happy to re-schedule another time and date if you call us anytime between, 8am and 7pm. We are sorry for the inconvenience this might have caused' 

Simple as that.  What are these people thinking?  That they are doing us a favour by coming to their hospital?  I will have a word with them on that.

Someone needs to tell them.  And it seems like I am the appointed one to do so...

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