11 June
2012: We are at
the movie theatre today! I mean the
sonargrapher’s room with the nice ladies. The nurse first. Very friendly and pleasant. She does the preparing for the scan. I must say, I like the sheets they use in the
room. Ingrid is in place and we
wait. And there she walks in.
morning! How are you keeping? Is everything ok?¨she asks.
‘We are
fine.’ Ingrid replies.
She goes
through the paper’s and is a bit puzzled. ‘Why are we
doing the Anomaly scan again?’ Actually, asks herself that question.
‘Ah! The first
one was a regular scan, but the fetus was well developed so I did it
earlier. That is ok, we will now do a Obstetric
Sonogram.’ She concluded. For us in
the non-medical field, it all sounds the same.
But, as the old saying goes, Doctor knows best!
The movie
begins. I have my front row seat. Straight to
the head we go. A tour. Looks like an avocado fruit. From my perspective, all I want to see a symmetric
avocado. Symmetric it is! She goes
through the whole length and breath of ET and notes all the details. And explains things. I can even see the 4
chambers of the heart. All is well. She shows us the mouth of ET.
‘It is
chewing away at something.’ She says.
Excitement fills the room. To see live movement. It is like that time when Darth Vadar confronts Skywalker in Starwars! What is ET chewing? We did not give any chewing gum. Apparently, amniotic
fluid is in abundance and that was what ET is working at.
‘Oh, it is
nearly a Kg in weight!’ she says. ‘Big baby..growing very fast’
Hmm…I am
thinking. Do we want an overweight ET. No!
Well, straight to the gym when it
arrives. Some serious exercise that is
not particularly fashionable. Everything
is fine and normal.
Impression: Single viable intra uterine fetus
in transverse lie with average gestational age of 26W/6D at the time of scan.

heartbeat stands at 150 BPM. Which is normal. It also says Fetal Movement is present. That we already know.
The rest of
the information is.
Approximate Fetal Weight: 980gms (+/-66 gms)
Fluid: Adequate for gestational age.
Cord: Triple vessel.
Finallly: No obvious anomalies detected. Just what we like to read.
very interesting, is the fact that the age is 26 weeks and 6 days. But, the growth is that of a slightly older fetus. By just 2 or 3 days. ET is actually playing hell with
my numbers already. Must give ET a good
lesson in Mathematics when it is out.
All is
well, and we tell them that we will leave for Amsterdam by the end of the
month. They wish us well, and want to see the baby when we are back. Lovely
Now to the
Since we do
not have an appointment, we go to the counter to check on time-availability of
the doctor. Apparently she has time. So
we wait. Not a long wait. 10 minutes or
so, we are ushered in.
‘Hello! How
are you?’ she goes, with a radiant smile. A bit over enthusiastic the lady is! I have never seen her smile so much before. Maybe, she had a date last night, which ended
in a night of lust , love, sweat and loads of oxitocins!!! She was glowing. Or, maybe she has been reading my blog. That
is a very likely. Having said that, I must say, as a doctor, she
knows what she is doing. Straight to the
point and does not pussy-foot around.
‘We are
fine, we did the scan...’Ingrid says.
She smacks
her lips and straight to her check list. Does not bother to listen to Ingrid. And scans the computer.
‘I have the
hard copy of the scan with me!' I say, giving it to her.
They have not put it on the system yet’
she says nearly apologetically.
She glances
through it, shakes her head like a Baratha Natiyam dancer,
‘We must check your
sugar! Don’t eat ice cream ok’
This lady
amazes me. She throws out one-liners
that the listener must have a more than average knowledge of medicine and its
related fields.
movements?’ she asks, looking at Ingrid.
was this time about 2 weeks ago, when I did not feel….’ Ingrid starts to
‘No! if not
movement then we must check..but that is normal!’ She says.
Wait a
minute! What is normal? Why on earth does she not listen to people
first. Well, that is an inherent problem
with lots of communities. They never
listen. They just like the sound of their own voice or whatever.
If I don’t feel
any movement for a whole day, is it normal?’
Ingrid ask, hoping that a clear question will give a clear answer.
'It is
normal. Don’t worry!’ She says. Still question not answered.
'But, if the
whole day there is no movement, is it ok?' Again Ingrid ask.
'If there is
no movement at all, we must check’ she
‘Yes, for
how long does it go without movement normally?'
‘If no movement,
then we must see’
answer to the question. But somewhere we decipher her message. That if there is
no movement the whole day, then we must check. At the same time, all movements
are not Kung Fu Moves!! So some or most cannot be felt.
We must
check your sugar, ok? Don’t eat ice cream ok!’.She say‘
This is
turning out to be hilarious.
Out comes
her service manual. The check begins.
Medicines: Check!
Heating: Check! Yes
Calcium: Check! Yes
Exhaust: Check!
Iron: Check! Yes
Pressure: Check! Yes
Oil ………………
‘When are
you going?...ah..where are you from?’ she asks. All these
days, where did she think Ingrid was from?
‘We want to
go end of the month, and she is dutch!’ I say.
She looks at Ingrid just like one looks at a new exhibit in a zoo and smiles.
‘Then I
must give you a Flight Fitness Report?’
‘Yes!’ we
‘Now, we
will do some test!’ She quips and pulls out a sheet and goes ticking away at
some columns. On checking later, I find
that they are, Glucose Challenge Screening Test, Urine Test, and CBC!.
Next update
after the test!
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