So here I am! In Oman. What
brought me here? Well, thanks to the Netherlands Embassy in Oman. A
bunch of 'phlegm-stuck-in-their-throat' cheese-worms!! Yes! I said that.
They basically gave me the wrong information on what my visa entitles me
to. As a result, I have had to go to
Amsterdam, come back to Oman, go back to Amsterdam and they maybe repeat this
cycle as often as possible. How do
they find these people?
A scene from the 'Sheep Swap-market' in Friesland?
‘Ah Wonderful! I have 2 goats!
Can we swap?’ asks the man from the Justice Ministry.
‘Yes! Brilliant’ goes the trader.
‘Ah! Now I can fill the vacancy in Oman. We need staff there…Have you got more? We need a lot of them..’
‘Of course!
And that is how the recruitment process happens with the IND. It is no wonder, they are a bunch of nincompoops!
My concern; what is all this drama doing to ET. For one thing when I am not around ET will not be hearing my voice. This obviously worries me. It is going to be influenced by too many unknowns. Some of who are potentially IND material.
And that is how the recruitment process happens with the IND. It is no wonder, they are a bunch of nincompoops!
My concern; what is all this drama doing to ET. For one thing when I am not around ET will not be hearing my voice. This obviously worries me. It is going to be influenced by too many unknowns. Some of who are potentially IND material.
I walked into the house in Oman. We had nearly wrapped the entire house
in plastic. Why? To keep the dust
out. The dust seems to be able to get
into just any place here. After all that
sealing and closing up, it still was pretty dusty. I just have to find a way to keep ETs place sterilely
clean. If I can achieve that stage, is
to be seen.
It is a week since I have been here, and I thoroughly miss Ingrid and
ET. My thoughts are wondering all the
time. How will all this turn out? I want to be ET’s father for real. Not on a bloody paper. trying to while away my time, I even found a new version of Twinkle Twinkle
Little Star that I was going to play to ET.
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
I know exactly what you are
I know exactly what you are
ball of hot dense gas
times our planets mass
small because you’re so far
I know
exactly what you are.
atoms in your core
Helium, Carbon and more
such power you shine so far
Twinkle little star
when close and faint when far
I know
exactly what you are.
ones burn cool and slow
too hot to visit, though
Stars dominate by far
Twinkle litte Star.
ones are hot and blue
when they’re through
black Hole or Neutron Star
I know
exactly what you are.
Sun’s average as stars go
5 Billion Years ago
through its life so far
Twinkle Little star.
from collapsing clouds
and dusty gas enshrouds
heating proto star
I knew
exactly what you are
Twinkle little star
think all Nursery rhymes must be written with an educational twist. And that is how I will teach ET to sing. Not about stupid humpty dumpty breaking his balls
and no one being able to put them together.
Far too violent for my liking. If I need to introduce ET to violence, I
will just show the faces of Bush and Blair!
That will do.
report from The Netherlands is not too bad.
Everything seems fine.

I find
these people who are into all the ‘alternative’ rubbish are just like
astrologers, soothsayer, palmreaders etc.
They all live inside a cloud called Psuedo Science. For one thing, ET will
live within the world of sense and intelligence.
On the
19th was Ingrid’s visit to the mid-wife. A wonderful experience again. Which is most important. All in all, mother and ET are doing fine so far. And here I am, sitting in Oman missing out on all the fun. The month of Ramadan has begun. It is a month of fasting. On the first day, it seemed like the city was in a coma. Went to work at 9am and hardly saw anyone on the streets. Surreal it is. But then, that is how it is. Even water cannot be consumed in public. Which is understandable. Having said that, I am sure in the coming days people will get into the groove of things.
And I still wonder, what the hell I am doing here!!!!
And I still wonder, what the hell I am doing here!!!!
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